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Ο πιο κοντός μπασκετμπολίστας;

Το basket είναι το άθλημα των ψηλών! Σωστό, αλλά όπως κάθε κανόνας έτσι και τούτος έχει τις εξαιρέσεις του. Και μάλιστα στην περίπτωση του Jahmani Swanson έχουμε την εξαίρεση στην... πιο ακραία της μορφή!

Basketball stars are known for their giant stature, but dwarf player Jahmani Swanson is showing that size isn’t everything on the court. The 4ft 5 ace is known as the ‘Michael Jordan’ of dwarf basketball and astounds crowds and opponents with his strength, speed and scoring record. The 29-year-old plays pro-league basketball with a court team in New York, and has no problem taking on players almost twice his size.

↠ Videographer / Director: Laurentiu Garofeanu
↠ Producer: Emma Pearson
↠ Editor: Sonia Estal

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